FAQ, Tips & Terms & Conditions

Below are our Ai-Style™ FAQ , tips, general website/order TERMS & CONDITIONS and PRIVACY POLICY.  We recommend you become familiar with our policies prior to placing an online product order with us.  Can’t find an answer to your question?  E-mail us at video@Ai-Style.net


   Ai-Style™  | GENERAL Questions:

Ai-Style™ is a powerful video transformation tool that uses artificial intelligence to take your ordinary videos and transform them into something truly unique and stunning.

Our Ai-Style™ system uses advanced techniques and software processes to create visually unique results that are based on the original footage, but completely different in nature. To see the amazing transformations that are possible with Ai-Style™, check out our Before & After DEMO 4k Video Gallery.

The Ai-Style™  system utilises complex “Ai” techniques & software processes, powered by highly specialised a US based computer graphics server farm.  Please read on to learn more…



Ai-Style™ is not your average video filter. State-of-the-art artificial intelligence video processing is what makes this possible. It can turn any video you upload into a wide range of styles, from the terrifying to the dreamlike, the gorgeous to the ethereal, and everything in between. The final product always resembles the original video, but is completely different in appearance.

Ai-Style™ | DEMO 4k VIDEO Gallery

Anything is possible with Ai-Style™. Choose from our growing selection of preset Ai-Style™ designs, or see the stunning video transformations for yourself in our Before & After DEMO 4k Video Gallery.

Ai-Style™ uses artificial intelligence to transform your videos into a variety of unique styles. Our proprietary system requires extensive computer processing power to create each second of video. Simply upload your footage to our custom AI system hosted on a US-based server farm, and we’ll take care of the rest.

While the process takes time, you can expect your transformed video within 3 days of placing your order (subject to demand and availability). We’ll notify you via email if there are any delays with your order.

Expect amazing results with Ai-Style™!

The Ai system’s interpretation of your video footage will always be unique, so expect the unexpected.

Our Before & After DEMO 4k Video Gallery  showcases the high-quality transformations that our Ai technology can create. These demos give you a good idea of what to expect from each Ai-Style™ that we offer. 

Experience stunning video results with Ai-Style™. While we strive for your satisfaction, please note that refunds are not available due to the unique interpretation of your video footage by our Ai system. To make the most of your order, be sure to preview our extensive list of demos before purchasing.

To get a better idea of how your video might look with a particular Ai-Style™, we recommend ordering a 5-second sample before committing to a longer transformation.

For more information, please see our full RETURNS Policy  and our tips section below on how to get the best results with Ai-Style™

Yes, you retain copyright on your video after using Ai-Style™. Our service does not change the fact that the video is yours. We are essentially just a video processing service. 

We are not able to determine the copyright status of your uploaded content, so we assume that you are the legal owner and that you will follow all domestic and international copyright laws and obligations.

Ai-Style.net is not responsible for any misuse or breach of copyright related to the video content we create on your behalf. By using our site, you accept all risks and responsibilities for any losses, damages, costs, and other consequences that may result from using the video we created. This is outlined in our store checkout terms and conditions.


   Ai-Style™  | PRICING:

Ai-Style™ uses advanced Artificial Intelligence and powerful computers to create unique, high-quality video transformations. This technology requires significant resources, which is reflected in the price.

Even a 1-minute video can take up to 6 hours to generate on our US-based servers, and 4K transformations may take twice as long. But the end result is always worth the wait!

The visuals created by Ai-Style™ are unique and often impossible to achieve using traditional animation techniques.

We recommend ordering 5-second test samples before committing to longer projects to ensure that the results meet your requirements and expectations.


Ai-Style™ offers a fast, hassle-free way to give your videos a visual edge. Upload your videos and see for yourself.

Ai-Style™ is a unique video graphics service that can produce high-quality content at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods like CGI graphics artists.

To achieve results comparable to Ai-Style™, a professional artist would have to manually convert the original video into a 3D model, then spend countless hours digitally texturing & painting it into an equivilent style. Animation would be highly challenging to replicate and likely look unnatural.

Ai-Style™ can produce highly detailed and natural results at a lower cost & time compared to traditional methods. It’s Artificial Intelligence video processing system allows for the creation of intricate details never thought possible. Take a close look at STEAMGOD, XENOMORPH, MEDUSA, JELLYFISH etc. and we think you will agree.

Ai-Style™ can also process any footage, including challenging subjects such as backgrounds, machines, animals and nature, which may be impossible for most CGI artists to consider possible..

Ai-Style™ is at least 70-90% cheaper than traditional computer animation and produces 4K quality at 60 FPS with unsurpassed results.

Although Ai-Style™ can take 6+ hours to produce a single minute of content (even with high-end graphics workstations), it is still much faster than what a professional CGI artist could accomplish in the same time.

For example, a 5-minute DIY music video using Ai-Style™ can be created for under $950 AUD (<$650 USD), while a CGI artist would take weeks and cost $7,000 to $9,000 at $50-70 per hour to achieve a similar result.

Finally, you are in control of what you want to see. You provide us with the footage and we simply return it back a new Ai-Style™ versions of it.

So get creative, experiment and be amazed.


   Ai-Style™  | Video UPLOADS:

You can upload any video at any frame rate and aspect ratio. We will process your video at either 30fps or 60fps (Upgrade) and either 1080p or 4k (Upgrade) or equivalent in pixels if your aspect ratio is non-standard.

We process & return your new Ai-Style video in the same aspect ratio as your original.

We recommend uploading 1080P quality videos ONLY (or equivalent in pixels for non-standard aspect ratios). NOTE: There is actually no benefit to uploading 4K videos for our system so just waste your time when uploading.

Avoid over-compressing your video files as it can create noise that confuses the our Artificial Intelligence vision system. Double-check your video, especially dark scenes, to ensure minimal compression artifacts. We always pre-process and attempt to clean up your video, but overly compressed footage may result in reduced quality out of our control.

There are some rules on the types of video you can upload to our service. We will process most videos, except those that are illegal or harmful, such:

  • Images and videos of child sexual abuse,
  • Content that advocates terrorist acts,
  • Content that promotes or incites or instructs crime and violence,
  • Footage of real life violence, cruelty, and criminal activity.

Fictional horror and simulated violence for movies, music videos, social media, etc., are generally acceptable as long as they do not depict real acts of crime, violence, and cruelty.

We reserve the right to refuse any content that we deem illegal or harmful and will cancel your order and provide a full refund in such cases.

Ai-Style.net is not responsible for the misuse of any video content we create on your behalf, and you accept all risks and responsibilities for any losses, damages, costs, and other consequences that may result from using the video we create. These terms are outlined in our store checkout conditions.


   Ai-Style™  | How to SAVE:

BULK Discounts | Ai-Style™ | FULL Length videos


Prices in [AUD] Australian Dollars [EXCLUDES GST/TAX which is only applicable to Australian orders]

For FULL LENGTH Ai-Style™  videos, we process your uploaded video from the VERY FIRST FRAME, right up to the selected number of seconds, at the price (and relevant discount)  shown in the table below.

30 seconds [Minimum]: $3.99 per second 
40 seconds: $3.99 per second  
50 seconds: $3.99 per second  
60 seconds: $3.59per second [10% DISCOUNT]
70 seconds: $3.59 per second [10% DISCOUNT]
80 seconds: $3.59 per second [10% DISCOUNT]
90 seconds: $3.49 per second [12.5% DISCOUNT]
100 seconds: $3.49per second [12.5% DISCOUNT]
110 seconds: $3.49 per second [12.5% DISCOUNT]
2 minutes: $3.39 per second [15% DISCOUNT]
2 minutes 30 seconds: $3.29 per second [17.5% DISCOUNT]
3 minutes: $3.19 per second [20% DISCOUNT]
3 minutes 30 seconds: $3.09 per second [22.5% DISCOUNT]
4 minutes: $2.99 per second [25% DISCOUNT]
4 minutes 30 seconds: $2.89 per second [27.5% DISCOUNT]
5 minutes: $2.79 per second [30% DISCOUNT]
6 minutes: $2.75 per second [31% DISCOUNT]
7 minutes: $2.71 per second [32% DISCOUNT]
8 minutes: $2.67 per second [33% DISCOUNT]
9 minutes: $2.63 per second [34% DISCOUNT]
10 minutes [Maximum]: $2.59 per second [35% DISCOUNT]



FLAT RATE of $39.96 for entire video, regardless of length


FLAT RATE of $29.96 for entire video, regardless of length

Maximum FULL length video DISCOUNT is 35%  [$2.59 PER SECOND]. This is up to 57% CHEAPER than the BASE price single 5 second SAMPLE VIDEO [$6.00 PER SECOND]. Additional STORE wide sales and/or coupon code discounts (explained below)  will further reduce the rate per second accordingly. 

BULK Discounts | Ai-Style™ | 5 second SAMPLE Videos


Prices in [AUD] Australian Dollars [EXCLUDES GST/TAX which is only applicable to Australian orders]

For ALL Ai-Style™  SAMPLE Videos, we process your uploaded video from the VERY FIRST FRAME, up to a maximum of 5 seconds, at the price (and relevant discount)  shown in the table below.

1 x Sample Pack [5 seconds]: $6.00 per second
3 x Sample Pack [5 seconds]: $4.80 per second [20% DISCOUNT]
5 x Sample Pack [5 seconds]: $3.90 per second [35% DISCOUNT]



Flat rate of $XX for 1 x Sample Pack

Flat rate of $XX for 3 x Sample Pack

Flat rate of $XX for 5+ Sample Pack (regardless of number)


Flat rate of $XX for 1 x Sample Pack

Flat rate of $XX for 3 x Sample Pack

Flat rate of $XX for 5+ Sample Pack (regardless of number)

Maximum SAMPLE video DISCOUNT is 35%  [$3.90 PER SECOND]. Additional STORE wide sales and/or coupon code discounts (explained below)  will further reduce the rate per second accordingly. 

Store credits and % DISCOUNTS

BONUS: STORE WIDE SALES and/or coupon code redemption will further reduce the ABOVE prices by the specified credit/percentage discount off the total price.

Join our Newsletter to keep up to date with upcoming SALES & SPECIALS. 

We process whatever video you UPLOAD to us, from the very first frame right up to selected order length (in seconds). To help maximise the time you’ve ordered, why not be creative with your uploaded video and SAVE?

FOR EXAMPLE:  If you ordered a 2 minute FULL Length video, your single file upload video could be made up of a series of smaller sections. We process your video & deliver the Ai-Style™  result. Then you take our file and manually break it up and re-insert the new Ai-Style™  footage into your final music, movie, ad, social media post etc using video editing software such as  Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, iMovie etc.  

5 second samples, although very short, could be used in the same way.

Of course you will need to manually split our Ai-Style™  video, but it is a great way to make the most of every second if you have experience with video editing software.

We have regular store SALES, so why not SUBSCRIBE to our NEWSLETTER below to keep updated & SAVE.



   Ai-Style™  | TIPS for the BEST RESULTS:

You can upload virtually any video footage into our Ai-Style™  system & should expect revolutionary results. There really is no right or wrong with what footage works best. It’s always a surprise with how our “Ai” system interprets your video.

However, to ensure the best results we encourage you to view our TIPS guide below which includes advice regarding optimal LIGHTING, PANNING & visual COMPLEXITY.

In the end though, it really is a matter of personal taste. There truly isn’t a right or a wrong video to transform.

In general we notice video footage with more balanced light works best with Ai-Style™, but even this is still a matter of taste & is very subjective:

  • DEMO 5 (Skateboarder): Is a good example of how really over exposed footage with a very bright background might look. If you’re after a more “surreal” look overall, this could work for you.
  • DEMO 4 (Fight scene): Is a good example of video with a near black background. Results are very crisp because the “Ai” isn’t distracted by any background details. 
  • DEMO 1 (Bass Player): Is a good example of something in the middle of the above two. It’s not too light or dark & there’s a lot of detail in the background. The video transformation is very interesting due to its original complexity.

Slow camera pans are generally more crisp than movements too fast or chaotic. Static shots will give you the cleanest overall Ai-Style™  transformation. In saying that, footage with really fast camera movement (like an action movie scene) could still look pretty darn cool.

  • DEMO 2 (Lady looking up): Is a good example of how a really slow pan gives a  good clean result in the selected Ai-Style™.

  • DEMO 4 (Fight scenes): Is another good example of how a static shot is probably the best for super clean results, ideal if you want the focus to be more on the subject.

Videos with a lot of detail (like complex backgrounds, detailed clothing, intricate pattern or objects etc.)  can look absolutely incredible, as the “Ai” will transform whatever it sees into something it interprets within the confines of the selected Ai-Style.

Is a lot of detail what you want? Again, it depends on your needs. Do you want something quite abstract or something more defined? 

TIP: Less can sometimes be more, and more can sometimes be less. It’s really comes down to what you’re after. 

  • DEMO 2 (Lady looking up): This is a good example of a much simpler scene, with final results to match.

  • DEMO 3 (Sydney Harbour): Is a great example of complex (non-human)  footage with a fairly bright background. Results are generally a lot more abstract but incredibly interesting. People, faces & bodies are recognised by Ai-Style™ and their facial features & body parts will be morphed into the designed style. With everything else that’s non-human, the “Ai” could interpret it in any manner of amazing ways. Take a look for yourself below.

TIP: We find that a lot of FOREGROUND noise (eg. rain or snow) causes the “Ai” to interpret & add incredible amounts of extra detail, resulting in a more abstract outcome that could be vastly less true to the original. BUT, such radical transformations can also look very cool. In the end, there’s only one way to find out… try it!

Ai-Style™ offers a range of options to suit your personal taste, from simple to more abstract transformations. There really is no right or wrong, but in general:

SIMPLE video IN results in a SIMPLE transformation OUT. COMPLEX video IN results in COMPLEX transformation OUT. Slower pans or static moving footage generally gives the least visually abstract and cleanest results. Overall, the simpler the video footage you upload to us, the safer the outcome. In saying that, it’s sometimes the complex footage that produces the most interesting results!  

If you want total confidence on how your video might look, we recommend you order a 5 second sample of the Ai-Style™ prior to committing to longer, more expensive Ai-Style™ video transformations.



This service is designed to help you produce Ai-Style™ FULL LENGTH  video transformations (minimum of 30 seconds in length / maximum 10 minutes).

We can transform any full length video into any Ai-Style™. Perfect for longer scenes in your next music video, movie FX, ads, social media posts etc. Per second FULL Length videos are UP TO 60% CHEAPER per second cheaper than a 1 x pack sample video per second. The catch is your uploaded video needs be a minimum duration of 30 seconds (max 10 minutes).

FULL length are discounted depending on duration (in 10, 30 and 60 second increments), so the longer the video, the cheaper it gets (UP TO 35% OFF). Learn about our tiered discounts in the how to save second in the FAQ. If you’re not quite ready to commit to a full length video, we also offer 5 SECOND SAMPLE VIDEOS in a 1 pack, 3 x packs (20% OFF) and 5+ packs (35% OFF).

Order Ai-Style™  online in 5 easy STEPS:

  1. Select your desired Ai-Style™  and intensity level (MEDIUM or HIGH)

  2. Select the number of seconds you want us to transform with Ai-Style™ for your uploaded video.

    • We will process your video in the selected Ai-Style™
    • We will transform your video from the first frame to your selected paid duration.

    • Your uploaded video should be at least the duration selected.

    • Note: If the selected duration is longer than your uploaded video, you will still be charged for the selected duration and no refunds will be given. We may consider store credit at our discretion if a genuine mistake or error was made.

  3. UPLOAD your video (Any aspect ratio .mp4 or .mov in 1080p – don’t upload 4K and ensure no over compression producing artifacts)

  4. Choose any optional UPGRADES (ie. 4K and/or 60fps quality)

  5. Add to cart and check out.

We’ll handle the transformation of your video & send you order updates via email as we go. Your final video will be ready for download (via a link) usually within 1-3 days depending on our system demands. If we anticipate any delays, we will definitely let you know.

Order your Ai-Style™  FULL LENGTH Ai-Style™ Video today!

A SAMPLE Video is a great way to quickly transform any 5 second video into any Ai-Style™.  Perfect for short scenes within your next music video, movie FX, ads, social media posts etc. SAMPLES are also a good way to see how they can transform a video prior to committing to a FULL LENGTH Ai-Style™ Video. Order a single 1 x SAMPLE Pack, OR buy in bulk & get a fantastic 20% DISCOUNT OFF  3 x SAMPLE Packs or a whopping 35% DISCOUNT OFF 5+ SAMPLE Packs!

Order Ai-Style™  online in 4 easy STEPS:

  1. Select your desired Ai-Style™  or styles and intensity level (MEDIUM or HIGH)

  2. UPLOAD your 5 second video (Any aspect ratio .mp4 or .mov in 1080p – don’t upload 4K and ensure no over compression producing artifacts)

    • We will process your video in each selected Ai-Style™ or styles.
    • We will transform your video from the first frame up to 5 seconds in duration (max)

    • Your uploaded video should therefore be at least 5 seconds.

    • Note: If your uploaded video is less than 5 seconds, you will still be charged the pack price and no refunds will be given. We may consider store credit at our discretion if a genuine mistake or error was made.

  3. Choose any optional UPGRADES (ie. 4K and/or 60fps quality)

  4. Add to cart and check out.

We’ll handle the transformation(s) of your video & send you order updates via email as we go. Your final video(s) will be ready for download (via a link) usually within 1-3 days depending on our system demands. If we anticipate any delays, we will definitely let you know.

Order your Ai-Style™  1 x SAMPLE Pack,  3 x SAMPLE Packs ,  5+ SAMPLE Packs OR  FULL LENGTH Ai-Style™ Video today!

Ai-Style.net | TERMS & CONDITIONS :


We value privacy. Please view our Privacy policy HERE.


Please view our full RETURNS Policy for more information.